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emperor penguins中文是什么意思

用"emperor penguins"造句"emperor penguins"怎么读"emperor penguins" in a sentence


  • 南极洲帝企鹅


  • Emperor penguins have interesting egg - laying habits
  • Sheltered by a titanic iceberg , emperor penguins bask in the antarctic sun
  • When emperor penguins glide through the water , tiny air bubbles trail behind . on land , they are much less graceful
  • This is a frozen world covered in thick snow . despite the intense cold , every year emperor penguins still come here for a heart - warming appointment
  • Antarctica is a continent , a land mass in its own right surrounded by ice , where stubborn emperor penguins winter in temperatures below - 50 degrees celsius
  • Caption : : the young emperor penguins ' feather is different from the adults , the young penguins ' feather are grey in color . the feather will change color when they grow up
  • This is a frozen world covered in thick snow . despite the intense cold , every year emperor penguins still come here for a heart - warming appointment
  • Emperor penguin : a father emperor penguin bears the cold winds in the antarctic for 60 days or more to protect his eggs , which he keeps on his feet , covered with a feathered flap7 )
  • Emperor penguins survive this harsh environment , where wind chills can reach - 75 degrees fahrenheit ( - 60 degrees celsius ) , by huddling together in large groups to block wind and conserve warmth
  • Huge collage works are made of images taken in the south pole such as a giant colony of a million of king penguins , those swimming underwater , emperor penguins on ice drifts , and icebergs in the sunset
  • 更多例句:  1  2
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